Food Seasonings

Natural flavors 2


-Flavors in general are a mixture of certain materials selected on scientific grounds to add to the food a special taste or distinctive smell

-There are several types of flavors, including natural or corresponding to nature and artificial flavors

-Flavors are made of animal or plant origin

Nature flavors are substances extracted from plant or animal origin and undergo some minor chemical modification to change their appearance and give a simple and acceptable form, such as vanilla flavor.

The definition of natural flavors as described in the US Federal Regulations is a collection of oils, resins, enzymes and extracts, and includes the essential hydrogenated proteins extracted from distillation or drying.

Natural flavors can also be prepared from heating materials that contain flavoring ingredients such as spices, fruits, vegetables, fruit juices and vegetable juices, some parts of the plant such as flowers, buds and leaves.

What distinguishes natural flavors from industrial flavors?

Although both are prepared by the Chemistry Specialist in the laboratory, but in the case of natural flavors are added to the chemical components in accurate proportions because it use in the end natural ingredients to give a natural flavor.

Also, getting a natural flavor is more expensive than making the industrial flavor because it requires getting many natural and pure materials. For example, a wonderful coconut flavor requires that you get it from Malaysia from a tree called the marrow and extract this flavor from this tree. Which lead in the end to the death of the tree so the flavors of nature are more expensive than the industrial alternatives, but, most consumers tend to the flavors of nature

Benefits of natural flavors:

  • More hygienic than industrial alternatives that may cause long-term damage

  • It is derived from several natural substances, so it contains a wide variety of nutrients

  • Add delicious flavors to the food and also the distinctive smell.

  • The fewer the flavors treated in the laboratory, the more healthy and useful.

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