What you don’t know about apricot

Concentrated Kiwi flavor
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What you don’t know about apricot

Scientifically named Prunus Armeciaca, apricot is a nutritious fruit from the rosaceae family. Apricot is a small orange fruit with a thin skin and a sharp, soft texture. Apricot, which is seen as one of the versatile fruits, is grown in many countries of the world.

Apricots contain vitamins such as A, C, E, vitamin K and niacin, small amounts of other key vitamins, as well as copper, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and rich minerals.


Apricot supports digestive health

May help treat diabetes

Fights inflammation

Improves eyesight

Prevents liver damage

Improves bone health

Apricots are also a good source of iron that helps treat anemia.

Iron improves hemoglobin production, which improves blood quality

Good for ear pain

Treats respiratory diseases

Treatment of skin disorders

It can increase hair growth

Treat scalp problems

Each type of apricot has different flavors from sweet to sour and now we show you the most prominent and famous of these types

 Apricot varieties

 1- Chinese apricot

 2- golden apricot

 3- Tilton apricot

 4- Yanatçi Apricot

 5- Gold Ingot Apricot

The apricot flavor produced by us has the following features

FlavorsGold is one of the companies that produce the best orange flavors from all kinds and flavors, which is one of the most important features of the orange flavor produced by our company

There are many flavors on offer in the labor market, but we believe our products are unique as the production and production of our products are supervised by a group of engineers and experts, as our factory ranks third in the Middle East in aroma production with a staff of experienced and highly efficient technicians. Years of experiences. The distinctive taste and aroma of our products remain in the same quality throughout the product’s shelf life from the date of issue to its expiry date. We used natural extracts and concentrates away from chemical extracts or aromatic sweeteners in its manufacture and production

 Types of aroma produced by FlavorsGold

 – water based Flavors

 – Oil based Flavors

 – Powder based flavors

 – emulsion taste and color

 Other fruit flavors produced by (FlavorsGold) company

 apple flavor

 orange flavor

 kiwi flavor

 lemon flavor

 strawberry flavor

 banana flavor

Features of working with FlavorsGold

There is a wide range of beverage and food products where apricot flavors can be used. Over the years FlavorsGold Company has provided Apricot flavors for use in liquid, fruit juice, tea, energy, athletic performance, various functional drinks, Apricot solid water, cocktails and malt-based beverages. As for desserts, Apricot flavors are very suitable for confectionery made from dairy products, chewing gum, biscuits, cakes and desserts. When it comes to products (best for you), our Apricot flavors can be found in oatmeal, meal replacements and supplements.

Your Options when working with us

Choose from over 1,600 varieties to enhance your final products from our over the years, we specialize in creating personalized flavors from scratch if the flavor archive doesn’t meet your needs. Special flavors are developed according to your taste preferences and specific application needs. We also specialize in custom ready-to-drink development

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